~2020~ It brings to mind many things for me......
A Sunday night news show, the perfect vision I have NOT had since 4th grade, seeing only with the help of glasses, eye appointments, my 30 day life saving contacts (I'm horrible at daily contact care and even worse at remembering my glasses), eye charts, the lovely glaucoma puff and much, much more.
2020 also brings to mind my spiritual blindness and desperate reliance upon God for everything. Without Christ, I am eternally lost. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, I cant see where I'm going day to day and I'm easily led astray. Without GOD's word, I don't see clearly who I am or whose I am. (Thanks Michelle F for this one). Without the triune GOD, I lose sight of my purpose.
So, naturally, 2020, the year of the vision fits like a glove for me. It came about as I was encouraged to prayerfully and reflectively choose a word for the upcoming year. Wrapping up a five year project creating a space to work and play, it makes complete sense! We are finally seeing, experiencing, and living the vision.
For those of you new to the blog, here's a quick catch up!
2015-Year One: Receiving the Vision-Writing it Down
2016-Year Two : Believing the Vision-Seeking the Space
2017-Year Three: Chasing the Vision-Procuring the Space
2018-Year Four: Manifesting the Vision-Designing our Place
2019-Year Five: Creating the Vision-Building the Place
2020-Year Six Living the Vision-Using Our Space
2020 is a powerful year!
2020 is powerful for me personally as well. Like Moses, I have been recovering for forty years. 2020 marks year 40 since my life was turned upside down in an instant. This year marks the 40th year since my childhood sexual assault. (Much more to come about that in future blogs. GOD is a redeemer!)
2020. Indeed, a very powerful year.
So, journey with us in 2020 as we live out our vision and answer his call. It's our very own journey to our promised land where we are claiming God's abundant providence and provision. We have humbly answered his call and await his direction while saying "Here we are Lord, use us."