Some things have happened in my life bigger than my ability to comprehend; yet, I try to anyway. Some things I've done, I knew were wrong, but I did them anyway. I tend to think on some of these things. The enemy sure knows how to trip us up!
Meanwhile, there have been a lot of great and grand things. Like my grandchildren for example, all the people I've seen thru the years in my practice, raising my own kids amidst all the struggles doing the best I could and, acknowledging, when I didn't. Their dad and I, we didn't know much when we had kids. We had to learn the hard way and learn hard we did. We did it together; however, and still are together. The grandest of things.
We are in a new season of life. We now have the opportunity to build community, love on others, invest in future generations, and spend more time being available to be used by God. Yet, if I can't put this demon to rest that eats at me, reminding me of every failure, mistake and less than perfect thing I've ever said or done, I won't be the warrior God needs me to be. Neither will you!

I am a warrior princess! You, dear soul sister, are a warrior princess. We have to accept the dark side of ourselves so God's light can shine through us more clearly. We also have to accept the dark side of others so that we can love them more dearly. At the end of the day, it starts with me and God alone. I choose to love me, warts and all, and to accept every part of myself, including the things I do not like much. You, soul sister can too. Love on every part of you, every single part!
There's plenty of not likes to go around so where's your focus? Is your focus on all the like nots? Or, is your focus on all the ways you can love more including loving yourself. We hear over and over and over again that love is a choice, not a feeling. How can it be any different when you think of loving yourself? Love yourself well because God certainly loves you with abandon! Love wholeheartedly, unapologetically, and with authenticity.
More importantly, choose to love God fiercely. After all, wasn't he that said "These are the greatest commandments: "That you love the Lord God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength and that you love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:38-39. This means you have to love yourself, so you can, in turn love your neighbor. Love yourself with abandon, love God without apology, and go love on your neighbors well. :-)

Better yet, sweet soul sister, how about deciding to do as Jesus said before he left us with the Holy Spirit. In John 13: 34-35, we hear Jesus saying, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
Sacrificial, other-centered, willing to do whatever it takes, dying to self, humbling love. Impossible! Simply impossible without the power of GOD, yet made possible by the beautiful power of the Holy Spirit. This, this is love. This is love worth fighting for. Go fight warrior princess. You were made for such a time as this!