I woke up three weeks ago to a dozen Uber texts. Each one saying, "Your Uber Code: xxxx. Reply STOP to unsubscribe". I thought, "This can't be good", then proceeded to change my Uber info. I'm certainly not taking an Uber in my sleep so, whoever is, its definitely not me.
Believe it or not, a few days later, a thief attempted to hack me financially. In hindsight, the writing was on the wall. Or the texts. LOL. Anyway, that's when the fun began. NOT. I now upped my game. It was very alarming.
I froze my credit, changed oodles of online passwords, contacted the IRS Identity Theft Division and Social Security among other things. I also looked into a person from Hong Kong who kept repeatedly signing onto my site. Strange and time consuming to say the least. Major distraction for sure. All done to protect my identity. CRAZY experience.
It got me thinking about our true identity. Our identity as Christians. The identity we have in Jesus Christ. I began to wonder. How often do we protect it? What lengths do we go to keep it? Do we have safety measures in place? Do we even see ourselves as GOD sees us? Or do we believe the lies of the enemy who's goal is to steal from us what is rightfully ours?
That's when it dawned on me. How many of us walk around believing untrue things about ourselves? We don't matter. We cant escape our past. We are too young, too old. GOD doesn't love us. GOD cant use us. GOD is angry with us. Our sin makes us unworthy. Our mistakes are too great. We don't have what it takes to be a Christian. On and on and on the lies that steal our true identity from us.
These lies keep us bound in all sorts of unwanted emotions: insecurity, fear, guilt, sadness, worthlessness, anger, depression, anxiety, etc. These emotions become our truth and influence how we live day to day. I know this to be true. I see it all the time in my practice and have lived out some of these lies myself.
I also know the TRUTH. The TRUTH will set you free. The TRUTH has set me free. The TRUTH has set many of my clients AND family AND friends free. The TRUTH is Jesus Christ. HE has made a bridge for every one of our darkest days, deepest regrets, and devastating experiences. A bridge to himself and his father, GOD. A bridge to wholeness and our true identity. A bridge anyone can walk on! He says so himself in John 14.6, "I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me".
Don't believe it. I know, I know. The lies are so much easier to believe. So, don't believe me. See for yourself instead. Start in the book of John and pray Jesus, set me free! Then, wait and see. I'd love to hear from you how things turn out!